Monday, July 21, 2008

"The Horse Quartet". Near Sonoma, California, a rancher keeps Clydesdales. Though they have the run of the ranch, they congregate where the most entertainment possibilities (watching us hurry by), and treat opportunities (suckering us in with our apples in hand), reside, which is right by the highway. This composition is the result of my frequent trips passing by, and was at the Petaluma Arts and Equestrian Festival, yesterday. Polo ponies, barrel racers, and more. There, the horses exulted in doing what they are designed to do: Run like hell while looking as fluid and graceful as ballerinas. The patrons, and the artists, were in awe of the spectacle and the accompanying barbequed chicken. Not many gave a fig about the artwork on display, as the real attraction was in the ring. It reminded me of the old theater adage: Never share the stage with animals, as they always steal the scene.



Blogger Ry guy said...

oooh! horsies, so nice mr. pyle. You a fan of Remington? He's from my home town of Ogdensburg, so i'm probably related..

2:18 PM  
Blogger chuck pyle said...

Thank you Ryan. So, where are you working? Remington is a god, especially with horses.

2:59 PM  
Blogger C.B. Canga said...

nice job

4:33 PM  
Blogger Ryan McCulloch said...

I thought it was a photo at first, its a beautiful piece.

12:16 AM  
Blogger Wendy Wright said...


7:32 AM  
Blogger Graham Ross said...

Please post more stuff Chuck!

9:31 PM  
Blogger Terry Song said...

Hi Chuck! I hit myself for not finding this blog earlier...SUPER Nice surprise, every post is something amazing!!!

Miss your class, Chuck, in so many ways...

1:48 PM  
Blogger chuck pyle said...

More posts soon, have been trying to get a kids book done, all under wraps of course, and manage the teaching stuff. I was at the Society of Illustrators Educators Conference over the weekend, standing at the bar with Dean Cornwell's ghost. NICE!

10:03 PM  

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